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How To Deal With Wastewater Created by Washing With Pressure Washers

How To Deal With Wastewater Created by Washing With Pressure Washers

August 23, 2023

Power or pressure washers are mechanical cleaning devices that use a high-pressure spray to remove dirt, grime, mold, and other surface contaminants. These machines have an engine or motor pressuring water and expelling it through nozzles at a higher force than regular garden hoses. However, they come with a significant challenge wastewater generation.

Runoff water from pressure washers often contains contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, and chemicals, making it essential to handle it responsibly. Improper wastewater disposal can severely harm the environment and may even be against regulations in many areas. Hence, we will explore some effective strategies to deal with wastewater from pressure washers, ensuring a cleaner and greener environment.

Key Strategies for Effective Wastewater Management

When using pressure washers, there are two problems to wastewater management: managing runoff water and appropriate disposal and treatment. Simply letting the water flow onto the ground or into other bodies is not an option due to the hazards it poses. Instead, consider the following strategies:

1. Utilizing Containment Mats, Barriers, and Dams

Containment mats or berms are purpose-built materials designed to create a temporary catchment area around the cleaning site. They are built of durable materials such as PVC or rubber and feature raised sides or walls to keep wastewater from escaping. These mats are carefully positioned during pressure washing to trap and keep runoff water, preventing it from spreading beyond that zone.

Meanwhile, water capture barriers are an effective solution for larger cleaning operations or sites where containment mats may not be practical. They are also made of durable materials like plastic or rubber and are placed around the cleaning area to create a perimeter. Lastly, temporary dams are essential when pressure washing outdoors or on uneven terrains.

2. Reusing and Recycling

Reusing captured wastewater from pressure washers for non-sensitive cleaning tasks can be a sustainable approach. By doing so, people can reduce water wastage, conserve valuable resources, and minimize the environmental impact of pressure washing. However, it is essential to exercise caution and follow specific guidelines to ensure that the water does not contribute to pollution.

3. Employing Vacuum Recovery Systems

Vacuum recovery systems are intended to suction and collect wastewater directly. They have strong vacuums that pull contaminated water from the cleaning surface. This collected water is stored in a separate tank or reservoir. Unlike other approaches, these systems enable continuous cleaning without frequent breaks to empty or change containment materials.

Using vacuum recovery systems can help businesses comply with local wastewater management laws. Many localities have rules governing the correct processing and disposal of pressure washer wastewater, and vacuum recovery can help meet these requirements. Furthermore, investing in such technology demonstrates a dedication to sustainability methods for commercial pressure washing services.

4. Hiring Professional Wastewater Collection Companies

Professional wastewater collection companies have access to treatment facilities where the collected wastewater can undergo proper treatment before discharge. They also have specialized vacuum trucks, tankers, and storage containers for runoff water collection and transportation. In addition, they deeply understand environmental regulations, best practices, and safety protocols.

Choose Spartan Manufacturing Corp. for Top-Quality Wastewater Capture System

Ready to revolutionize your wastewater management? Discover the power of Vacu-Boom, the proprietary wastewater capture system from Spartan Manufacturing Corp. It has a proven track record of capturing 100% of wastewater. Additionally, the Vacu-Boom is trusted by EPA officials, the US military, and various government agencies.

Contact us today to learn more about our products and services! You can also request a quote to get started with us.